In school I got the assignment to make a temperature control with a Omron E5CK. A datasheet of this PID controller can be found here: Link
The idea is to simulate a process in an aluminium block. For this we use the following elements:
-J-type thermocouple
-50W heating element
-Digital PID-controller type E5CK Omron
-Volt meter to measure the output value (0-100% / 0-10V)
-A Peltier element (to create interference.)
We build everything inside a suitcase.
We had to make a small book of this. You can download that here: Link (Dutch)
A couple of pictures:
The PID controller:
The process:
The circuit board with the peltier controller and 2 channel 0-10V dimmer/power control.
The saw tooth from the 0-10V dimming circuit.
Everything was build in a frame
And the frame was then build in a suitcase: