Category: PIC18F4550 development board

PIC18F4550 development board

I wanted to use a usb connection on my LED sign. Now is the problem that this led sign is a bit big to put next to the pc, and a little difficult to debug the usb that way. So I decided to build another development board. This time based on a PIC18F4550
-8 buttons
-8 led’s
-1 wire bus (and 1 temperature sensor that’s connected to that bus on the pcb)
-RS485 bus
-I have placed 2 rows of female header cups next to the pic, to make it easy to connect this board to a breadboard.
-Most of the pins of the pic are detachable from the other components by dipswitches
-Power via USB or power supply
-ICSP header (galva)wisp pinout



