The previous version of my exposure box didn’t work good enough for my purposes, so I made a new one in the enclosure of an HP scanner. I also made a chronometer to help me time the exposure, the chronometer switches the lamps with a relays.
The circuit:
The program (picbasic):
Device 16F627 Config WDT_OFF, PWRTE_ON, LVP_OFF, MCLRE_ON, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT Declare LCD_INTERFACE 4 Declare LCD_LINES 2 Symbol Lampen = PORTA.2 Symbol Start = PORTB.0 Dim hondert As Byte Dim seconden As Byte Dim minuten As Byte hondert = 0 seconden = 0 minuten = 0 Cls DelayMS 500 Print At 1,1, "C Elek" Print At 2,1, "Stynus" DelayMS 1000 Print At 1,1, " " Print At 2,1, " " Print At 2,1, "0 :0 :00" GoTo Begin Begin: Print At 1,1, "OFF" If Start = 1 Then bla: DelayMS 50 If Start = 1 Then GoTo bla End If If Start = 0 Then High Lampen GoTo Loop: End If End If GoTo Begin Loop: Print At 1,1, "ON " Loop2: If Start = 1 Then DelayMS 50 bla2: If Start = 1 Then GoTo bla2 End If If Start = 0 Then Low Lampen hondert = 0 seconden = 0 minuten = 0 GoTo Begin End If End If 'tijd op Lcd: DelayMS 3.98 hondert = hondert + 1 If hondert = 100 Then hondert = 0 seconden = seconden + 1 End If If seconden = 60 Then seconden = 0 minuten = minuten + 1 End If Print At 2,1," : :" Print At 2,1,@minuten Print At 2,4,@seconden Print At 2,7,@hondert GoTo Loop2 End
The HEX-file: Download.