I made this project a few years ago with some classmates in school.
After we completed our Cruiser Micromouse project, we had a spare sensor pcb to make a line follower. The school had an spare chassis for the same robot so we decided to build one. We designed the main pcb for this robot ourselves. It is based on a PIC16F876A.
The line follower should follow a line. The line is detected by sensors that are mounted on the front of the robot. These sensors emit infra-red light to the surface, the white surface reflects the ir light, while the black line absorbs it. The reflected light is detected by photo-transistors which are connected to the analog inputs of the pic. If the underground is white then the value is smaller than a set value and the line follower should adjust to the line. The 2 outer sensors are not used because the line never gets there. We have put 4 led’s on the pcb for debugging : Led 1 is the power led, led 2 lights up if it turns to the right, led 3 if it drives straight forward and led 4 if it turns to the left
Circuit main pcb:
Circuit sensor pcb:
Video of the Line Follower in action:
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Code (Picbasic):
'************************************************* '*Naam : Lijnvolger * '*Auteurs: Coenen Stijn, Thomas Rob,van Roy Stijn* '*Datum : 18/02/2009 * '************************************************* Device 16F876A Config WDT_OFF, PWRTE_ON, HS_OSC, lvp_off XTAL = 20 Declare ADIN_RES 10 ' 10-bit result required Declare ADIN_TAD FRC ' RC OSC chosen Declare ADIN_STIME 50 ' Allow 50us sample time Dim sensor_waarde As Word Dim detect_links2 As Bit Dim detect_links1 As Bit Dim detect_midden As Bit Dim detect_rechts1 As Bit Dim detect_rechts2 As Bit ADCON1 = %10000010 ' Symbol sensorRU = PORTA.0 Symbol sensorRB = PORTA.1 Symbol sensorM = PORTA.2 Symbol sensorLB = PORTA.3 Symbol sensorLU = PORTA.5 TRISA=1 ' Symbol IR_led1 =PORTB.2 Symbol IR_led2 =PORTB.3 Symbol IR_led3 =PORTB.4 Symbol led4 = PORTB.5 Symbol led3 = PORTB.6 Symbol led2 = PORTB.7 TRISB = 0 ' Symbol motor1A = PORTC.7 Symbol motor1B = PORTC.6 Symbol motor2A = PORTC.5 Symbol motor2B = PORTC.4 TRISC=0 ' Symbol motor_en = PORTC.2 ' Clear ' HPWM 1,190,1221 motor1A = 0 motor1B = 0 motor2A = 0 motor2B = 0 DelayMS 3000 '********************************************** 'afstemmen van IRled's en sensoren. 'Kijken welke led er wanneer 1 is. GoTo over_sub sensorinl: '************************************* '* L2 **** L1 * L0 * R0 * R1 **** R2 * '************************************* ' A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 ' 15 15 30 20 70 sensor_waarde = ADIn 0 If sensor_waarde < 70 Then detect_links2 = 1 Else detect_links2 = 0 EndIf sensor_waarde = ADIn 1 If sensor_waarde < 15 Then detect_links1 = 1 Else detect_links1 = 0 EndIf sensor_waarde = ADIn 2 If sensor_waarde < 30 Then detect_midden = 1 Else detect_midden = 0 EndIf sensor_waarde = ADIn 3 If sensor_waarde < 15 Then detect_rechts1 = 1 Else detect_rechts1 = 0 EndIf sensor_waarde = ADIn 4 If sensor_waarde < 15 Then detect_rechts2 = 1 Else detect_rechts2 = 0 EndIf Return '********************************************** 'Vooruit gaan vooruit: motor1A = 0 motor1B = 1 motor2A = 1 motor2B = 0 led2 = 0 led3 = 1 led4 = 0 Return '********************************************** 'een stuk naar links draaien Links_draaien_weinig: motor1A = 0 motor1B = 0 motor2A = 1 motor2B = 0 led2 = 0 led3 = 0 led4 = 1 DelayMS 5 GoSub vooruit Return '********************************************** 'een stuk naar links draaien Rechts_draaien_weinig: motor1A = 0 motor1B = 1 motor2A = 0 motor2B = 0 led2 = 1 led3 = 0 led4 = 0 DelayMS 5 GoSub vooruit Return '********************************************** 'een stuk naar links draaien (langere delay) Links_draaien_veel: motor1A = 0 motor1B = 0 motor2A = 1 motor2B = 0 led2 = 0 led3 = 0 led4 = 1 DelayMS 100 GoSub vooruit Return '********************************************** 'een stuk naar rechts draaien (langere delay) Rechts_draaien_veel: motor1A = 0 motor1B = 1 motor2A = 0 motor2B = 0 led2 = 1 led3 = 0 led4 = 0 DelayMS 100 GoSub vooruit Return '********************************************** 'alle sensoren op 1 zette over_sub: IR_led1 = 0 IR_led2 = 0 IR_led3 = 0 GoSub vooruit '********************************************** 'oneindige lus While 1=1 Main: '********************************************** 'kijken welke sensor(en) er 1 is/zijn GoSub sensorinl If detect_links1 = 1 Then GoSub Rechts_draaien_weinig GoTo Main EndIf If detect_rechts1 = 1 Then GoSub Links_draaien_weinig GoTo Main EndIf '********************************************** Wend End
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