Category: Mini Lab Power Supply

Mini Lab Power Supply

Some time ago I saw Turbokeu’s his mini power supply, and I thought “I can build a smaller one”. A month later I got an enclosure from a 12Vdc => 230Vac inverter (Thanks Jeroen!). This case was perfect for my mini psu. The volume off Turbokeu his supply is 1323cm³and mine will be 588cm³.

The circuit I used is based on an article Elektor published in march 98 (Called “Regelbare voeding” in Dutch). The displays are DPM125 witch I bought at an electronics flea market. The power supply delivers 3-24V at 1A. But this is only for short times because the case is used as heat sink.

Circuit mainboard:

schema Mini Lab Voeding

Circuit display supply:

schema Mini Lab Voeding

Pcb mainboard:

print Mini Lab Voeding

Pcb display supply:

print Mini Lab Voeding

Part list (only from the mainboard):

R1 1K 1206
R2, R3 47K 0805
R4, R6 270K 0805
R5 3K9 0805
R7 15K 0805
R8, R9, R14 4K7 0805
R10, R11 220R 0805
R12, R13 1R 1W
R15 3K3 1W
C1 4700µF
C2, C4, C5, C6, C7 100nF 0805
C3 100µF
D1, D2, D3, D4, D6, D9 1N4007 SMD DO214BA
D5, D7 BAT85
D8 5V6 zener
IC1, IC2 TLC271
IC3 78L09
Q1, Q2 IRF540
TR1 transformer


Mini Lab Voeding

The top side of the mainboard:

print Mini Lab Voeding

Bottom side:

print Mini Lab Voeding

Bottom side of the display supply:

print Mini Lab Voeding

Top side:

print Mini Lab Voeding

Here you can see how much space is left:p:

Mini Lab Voeding

Mini Lab Voeding


Mini Lab Voeding

Mini Lab Voeding

2 pictures with my hand as size reference.

Mini Lab Voeding

Mini Lab Voeding