After seeing Xantus his reflow toaster I wanted to build 1 myself. A few weeks later there was a action at the “kruidvat” with snack toasters, so I bought 1.
The power is a bit lower than Xantus toaster, but a test proved that this was not a problem.
The compartment that is going to hold the electronics was not wide enough, so I made it 4cm wider.
Now it fits a 2*16lcd and keyboard.
The pcb for controlling the oven is not finished yet. But it will work with a PIC16F877A. I’m going to program 4 modes in it. Reflow (soldering); Resolder (To resolder PCBs whit bad joins); Preheat; Fix temp (A adjustable temperature). I also want to add a RS232 output to control/read it by a pc.
In the mean while I also made a new front-plate with holes for the LCD etc. I painted the base coat on it today. Pictures will follow when de last paint layer is done.