Category: Resistor Decade Box

Resistor Decade Box

I was thinking about making a resistor decade box, but I found the rotary switches that are used in these most of the time rather expensive and a bit old fashioned. That’s why I decided to use a rotary encoder and select the resistors with a microcontroller.

Now I only had to find a way to “make” the resistance. Switching resistors with transistors or mosfets gives a high switch resistance and can’t handle AC voltages. That’s why I opted to use relays. The currents that need to be switched are rather small, therefore a small relay is sufficient. The relay board is used 2 times with different resistor values.

Relay PCB:

Part list:
PCB low resistance:

3 1K R22, R23, R24
1 1K8 R26
3 1R R1, R2, R3
1 1R8 R5
1 2K2 R25
1 2R2 R4
1 3K3 R28
1 3R3 R7
1 4K7 R27
1 4R7 R6
3 10R R8, R9, R10
1 18R R12
1 22R R11
1 33R R14
1 47R R13
3 100R R15, R16, R17
1 180R R19
1 220R R18
1 330R R21
1 470R R20
2 100nF C1, C2
2 74HCT595 IC1, IC3
2 ULN2803 IC2, IC4
16 TQ2-24V K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9,
K10, K11, K12, K13, K14, K15, K16

PCB high resistance:

3 10K R1, R2, R3
1 18K R5
1 22K R4
1 33K R7
1 47K R6
3 100K R8, R9, R10
1 180K R12
1 220K R11
1 330K R14
1 470K R13
3 1M R15, R16, R17
1 1M8 R19
1 2M2 R18
1 3M3 R21
1 4M7 R20
2 100nF C1, C2
2 74HCT595 IC1, IC3
2 ULN2803 IC2, IC4
12 TQ2-24V K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9,
K10, K11, K12


Control PCB:

Part list:

2 1uF C3, C4
1 10K R2
1 10K R1
1 16F648A (Programmed) IC1
2 100nF C1, C2
1 Push button S1
1 Rotary encoder S1
1 REG1117-5V IC2


With frontpanel:

Power supply

This part is made on experiment board, therefore there are no circuit drawings available. The pcb exists of a 18V transformer; a rectifier and a capacitor.

Everything mounted in the enclosure:


Code in the microcontroller:

Device = 16F648A

All_Digital           = true
Xtal                  = 4

Declare PortB_Pullups   On

Declare LCD_DTPin       PORTB.4  
Declare LCD_ENPin       PORTB.2
Declare LCD_RSPin       PORTB.3
Declare LCD_Interface   4
Declare LCD_Lines       2

Symbol  RotEncoderA   = PORTB.1  
Symbol  RotEncoderB   = PORTB.0 
Symbol  RotSwitch     = PORTA.2

Symbol  PushSwitch    = PORTA.4
Dim     PushSwitchBit As Bit

TRISB                 = %00000011
TRISA                 = %01111100

OPTION_REG            = %01000000 
INTCON                = %10010000
Symbol  INTF          = INTCON.1     

Symbol  klok          = PORTA.0
Symbol  Data_Pin      = PORTA.7
Symbol  ZetVast       = PORTA.1

Dim  DispWaarde[7]    As Byte
Dim  SetWaarde[7]     As Byte
Dim  DispTeller       As Byte
Dim  CursorTeller     As Byte
Dim  UitHex           As Byte 
Dim  UitDig           As Byte
Dim  UitCount         As Byte
Dim  ArrayTeller      As Byte
Dim  Warning          As Bit
'dim teller as byte
On_Hardware_Interrupt GoTo IrInterrupt  
GoTo Init     
    Context Save       
       If INTF = 1 Then
          'Flaggen resetten
          INTF = 0
          If RotEncoderA = 1 Then
             If DispWaarde[6 - DispTeller] > 0 Then
                Dec DispWaarde[6 - DispTeller]
             If DispWaarde[6 - DispTeller] < 9 Then
                Inc DispWaarde[6 - DispTeller]
    Context Restore         
    UitDig = DispWaarde[3] 
    UitHex = UitDig << 4
    UitDig = DispWaarde[2]
    UitHex = UitHex + UitDig   
    UitHex = ~UitHex    
    SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]
    UitDig = DispWaarde[1]  
    UitHex = UitDig << 4
    UitDig = DispWaarde[0]
    UitHex = UitHex + UitDig   
    UitHex = ~UitHex   
    SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]   
    UitHex = 0
    UitDig = DispWaarde[6]
    UitHex = UitHex + UitDig         
    UitHex = ~UitHex  
    SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]   
    UitDig = DispWaarde[5] 
    UitHex = UitDig << 4
    UitDig = DispWaarde[4]
    UitHex = UitHex + UitDig    
    UitHex = ~UitHex   
    SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]   
    High ZetVast
    DelayUS 20
    Low ZetVast
    Print At 1, 1, "E-Stynus"
    Print At 2, 1, "  2014  "
    DelayMS 750

    Print At 1,1, "Set:"   
    DispTeller = 0
    'Ohm teken in lcd steken
    Print $FE,$40,$00,$0E,$11,$11,$11,$0A,$1B,$00
While 1 = 1      
   'Relais aansturen bij rotary encoder button druk
   If RotSwitch = 0 Then
      For ArrayTeller = 0 To 6  
          SetWaarde[ArrayTeller]     = DispWaarde[ArrayTeller] 
          If SetWaarde[ArrayTeller]  > 9 Then
             SetWaarde[ArrayTeller]  = 0     
             DispWaarde[ArrayTeller] = 0
      UitDig = DispWaarde[3] 
      UitHex = UitDig << 4
      UitDig = DispWaarde[2]
      UitHex = UitHex + UitDig   
      UitHex = ~UitHex    
      SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]
      UitDig = DispWaarde[1]  
      UitHex = UitDig << 4
      UitDig = DispWaarde[0]
      UitHex = UitHex + UitDig   
      UitHex = ~UitHex   
      SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]   
      UitHex = 0
      UitDig = DispWaarde[6]
      UitHex = UitHex + UitDig         
      UitHex = ~UitHex  
      SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]   
      UitDig = DispWaarde[5] 
      UitHex = UitDig << 4
      UitDig = DispWaarde[4]
      UitHex = UitHex + UitDig    
      UitHex = ~UitHex   
      SHOut Data_Pin, klok, MsbFirst, [UitHex \ 8]   
      High ZetVast
      DelayUS 20
      Low ZetVast
      DelayMS 100  
      While RotSwitch = 0   
            DelayMS 100  
   'Warning teken                               
   Warning = 0
   For ArrayTeller = 0 To 6  
       If DispWaarde[ArrayTeller] <> SetWaarde[ArrayTeller] Then
          Warning = 1
   If Warning = 1 Then
      Print At 1, 8, "!"
      Print At 1, 8, " "
   'Decade positie
   If PushSwitch = 0 And PushSwitchBit = 0 Then
      PushSwitchBit = 1
      DelayMS 100
      If DispTeller < 6 Then
         Inc DispTeller
         DispTeller = 0
   If PushSwitch = 1 Then
      PushSwitchBit = 0
   For ArrayTeller = 0 To 6  
       If DispWaarde[ArrayTeller] > 9 Then
          DispWaarde[ArrayTeller] = 0
       Print At 2, 7 - ArrayTeller, Dec1 DispWaarde[ArrayTeller]
   Print At 2,8, 0
   '(Print At 1,4, Dec DispTeller          
   Print $FE, $0E           'Underline cursor on
   Print $FE, $C0           'Move cursor to beginning of second line 
   CursorTeller = 0
   While CursorTeller < DispTeller
       Print $FE, $14      'Move cursor right one position
       Inc CursorTeller
   DelayMS 100                   

Hex file: link


Order boards: